Cem Ermis TM Radio DJ Profile
If you like Cem Ermis(on TM Radio for over 13.3 years), please, consider telling your friends.
Cem Ermis is born on 1986 in Ankara Turkey. He is studying Graphic Design at Baskent University.
Burak Colak is born on 1988 in Ankara Turkey.
They are making music together since 2008.
They played on many radio stations which are Tribalmixes radio,insomnia fm,pure fm and beattunes.
Likes to making Deep & Dark stuff.
Co-hosted show
Burak Colak is born on 1988 in Ankara Turkey.
They are making music together since 2008.
They played on many radio stations which are Tribalmixes radio,insomnia fm,pure fm and beattunes.
Likes to making Deep & Dark stuff.